Élections fédérales 2023 : bis repetita ?

Élections fédérales 2023 : bis repetita ?

“Victoire de la droite nationaliste“, “défaite des partis écologistes“, sont les titres de la presse suisse et étrangères au sortir de ce dimanche de votations fédérales du 22 octobre 2023. Or, quand on regarde l’évolution de la force des partis politiques au Conseil national (chambre basse) depuis un siècle, difficile d’être frappé par autre chose que la très grande stabilité des équilibres politiques.

Data Visualization: Mapping the Character Network of the Four Gospels

Data Visualization: Mapping the Character Network of the Four Gospels

How are the biblical texts structured? Beyond the obvious centrality of Christ in the Gospels, do we always find the same groups of characters, organized in the same way? This short study raises the question of the potential contribution of network analysis to literary studies and, in particular here, to the biblical sciences.

Data Visualisation | European Massive Exports of Banned Pesticides

Data Visualisation | European Massive Exports of Banned Pesticides

Banned in the European Union because of their dangerousness, thousands of tonnes of pesticides (such as Syngenta’s Paraquat) are exported every year by countries such as the United Kingdom, Italy, Germany or France. Based on data collected by Public Eye and Unearthed, these visualizations show that many countries around the world use these substances despite being prohibited in Europe.

Mapping a Century of International Congresses

Mapping a Century of International Congresses

International congresses, meetings of diplomats and experts, have been almost exclusively European events for more than a century. This map shows the location of the +8000 congresses held between 1840 and 1960 and highlights the domination of certain urban areas in Western Europe.

Historical Network Analysis: Complex Structures and International Organizations

Historical Network Analysis: Complex Structures and International Organizations

Confronted with the massification of data and embracing ever more global questions, the history of international organizations is concerned with increasingly complex objects. And if the term “network” is widely used in historical research, it is because it seems to be effective to describe these tangled, evolutionary and multi-level structures.

[Network analysis] Mapping the Digital Humanities Community on Twitter

[Network analysis] Mapping the Digital Humanities Community on Twitter

Defining digital humanities might be an endless debate if we stick to the discussion about the boundaries of this concept as an academic “discipline”. In an attempt to concretely identify this field and its actors, this paper shows that it is possible to analyse them through Twitter, a social media widely used by this “community of practice”. Based on a network analysis of 2,500 users identified as members of this movement, the visualisation of the “who’s following who?” graph allows us to highlight the structure of the network’s relationships, and identify users whose position is particular.