I’m a senior researcher and a lecturer in contemporary history and digital humanities at the University of Lausanne (UNIL), Switzerland. I hold a PhD from the University of Lausanne and am specialized in network analysis and data visualization. My research focuses on the history of international organizations, the League of Nations and the history of intellectual cooperation. I’m developing methods for the structural analysis of large bodies of international archives and am particularly interested in the graphic and synthetic representation of these massive data. I recently joined the Impresso project where I’m continuing this research, combining it with an analysis of the press and radio.
This website shows, however, that my activity goes beyond these strict categories: I like to experiment with ways to play with data, be it historical, statistical or from social networks. I like to share around these practices of research and experimentation, considering that the digital humanities are a kind of craft, both exciting and imperfect. This site has been a very active blog in the past, it is now mainly a way to talk about my research and centralize my scientific productions, but nothing prevents it from becoming so again one day.
2024-today | Senior Researcher, University of Lausanne (Impresso project)
2022-2024 | Junior Lecturer, University of Lausanne (History) and EPFL (Digital Humanities)
2020-2022 | Visiting Researcher, Techno-Anthropology Lab (Aalborg University in Copenhagen) and C2DH (University of Luxembourg)
2018-2020 | Junior Lecturer, University of Lausanne (History) and EPFL (Digital Humanities)
2018 | PhD in Arts (History), University of Lausanne
2015-2017 | Research assistant, University of Lausanne
2012-2015 | PhD student, Swiss National Science Foundation / University of Lausanne
2011 | Master of Arts (History and Philosophy), University of Lausanne
2017-today | HNR, the Historical Network Research Community: member of the Board, member of the Advisory Board of the Journal of Historical Network Research
2016-2024 | ADHO, Alliance of Digital Humanities Organizations: member of the Steering Committee, member of the Constituent Organizations Board, co-chair of the Admissions Committee
2016-2018 | OpenData Switzerland: member of the Board
2014-2020 | Humanistica, French-speaking association for Digital Humanities: founding member, member of the Board and Spokesperson
[Selection of the most active implications]