The red ball transforms the urban order. Passed through Lausanne in 2013 and a handful of other cities, the red ball was in Galway (Ireland) in July 2014. This post provides 2 x 10 pictures (+ 1 GIF) of the artwork of Kurt Perschke (@redballproject) in the streets of Galway (during the Galway International Arts Festival – @GalwayIntArts).
Thank you to the Festival de la Cité – @festivalcite (Lausanne) for giving me the opportunity to see the red ball there!
River Corrib (walkway)
[July 22 2014]
Town Hall Theatre
[July 23 2014]
Bonus: The RedBall GIF
[July 22 2014 – deflation of the RedBall in the Corrib walkway entrance]
Fais gaffe, il y a un gros truc rouge pas vraiment déterminé (un blob?) qui te poursuit!
Oui, c’est vraiment embêtant, il est sur toutes mes photos de vacances ! 😉